Image search using image - Tineye

You may have came across scenarios like you have a image file in your local computer, but you don't know the origin of the image. Using this image, you may like to explore story behind the image or you may like to explore similar images. So How will do it just using the image file. Here comes the technology of reverse image search, the famous Tineye , which is an image search engine in reverse, as to enter a particular image, for their clones and modifications throughout the Internet, making it easier the task of finding places far has a picture of yourself or have had any changes. Today has been a little affected by the Google version of this service , but still fighting back. Still, the biggest problem with these services is that they are in the cloud and all images on your disk automatically excluded from the search. To resolve this problem exists imgSeek, which is a desktop version, with large differences, TinEye service. imgSeek initially works by creating a catalog of all th...