Munnar Diaries [Part 1] - Backpacking to Munnar and spectacular Vattavada village

Travel Date: Saturday, 18-Jan-2020 Dawn, 4 AM Wanted to take a tiny break from the mundane life. Much needed vacation Whenever I feel to travel, I want to travel very next day, or maybe the very next available weekend. And once the travel idea, crawl into my mind, I’m literally screwed, I can’t sleep. I dream my entire nights about the trip destinations, the inner peace I’m gonna experience over there, the photos I’m gonna shoot over there . And I will be like to the mind, " Dude, What’s your problem. Stop the insane dreams and allow me to sleep! " My mind, “ No bro, You are done. I’ve to be there before the body reaches there. ” And mesmerizing Munnar is always the first destination comes to my mind when I'm in Kochi, as I can experience the serene atmosphere, the clean and crisp air at the upper atmosphere. A tour to an abundant forest is always an enchanting experience. I dreamt and dreamt and dreamt and feels the goosebumps, lying in my ...